The Placation Vacation

How does your virtual consumption influence your physical consumption? Why is social media designed for us to be wasteful with products, the environment, and our own humanity?

The climate crisis is right now. Multiple genocides are happening right now. You are addicted to your phone. We are living at the end of connection & empathy. This is not the reality our ancestors died for us to be a part of. Pleasure in our ears, pleasure glazing our eyes, pleasure embedded into our fingerprints, & pleasure spat into the folds of our brains. Decaying with pleasure. Shifting into adulthood while isolating during a pandemic. Finally being allowed to breathe deep in some queer's bedroom late at night. Allowing the stiffness of midwestern ideology to melt off of me with each act of expression. Coexisting amongst the metropolitan parasites; bedbugs and ego. Slowly watching the planet burn up from the lightbox in my palm.



Ugly - Slow Burn NYC @ Be Electric Studios

The Behave Show - Random Affects @ TBG Gallery


they know everything about you

flower texts in the tub

keep walking its not going to help

Photo Series